
B'z@2ちゃんねる掲示板2 > LOGIC-未発表曲について語る-
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1: 自作自演MACHINE:03/09/22 17:14
(Full English Version)

Take your time as we try to find a way
Could you have something more to say?
Realize your subject's going nowhere
Oh why the hell do you care

It's nothing new
I'm telling you
Tell me what's your plan
Will you make a stand
Do you think I respect ya?
One way conversation of a desperate man

Logic talking never listening
Shouting words as fast as you can
If you wonder why there's something missin'
Well, it's the logic that you can't understand
So just save your breath

Say your mind
Why don't ask the burning question
Should I take a new direction?
Show a sign
But your logic is confused

It's a perspective
Aren't you objective?
You should concentrate
When you try to relate
Make a simple observation
In a long term escape

Logic talking never listening
Might as well talk to the wall
If you wonder why there's something missin'
Well, it's the logic making no sense at all
So just save your breath

No communication
You're just spitting out your words
There ain't no interaction
You're just talking to yourself

Talking talking never listening
Shouting words as fast as you can
If you wonder why there's something missin'
Well, it's logic making no sense at all

Logic talking never listening
Might as well talk to the wall
If you wonder why there's something missin'
Well, it's the logic making no sense at all
So just save your breath

8: ?'z:05/06/24 22:57
「Real Thing Shakes」 B’z 作詞:稲葉浩志

眠れねえ わからねえ 世界情勢のせいじゃねえ
テレビのニュースの 過剰なBGMが気持悪い
でも怖いのは そんなんじゃねえ

本当のことにゃ さからえない
心 まるごと わしづかみのまま
だれか 僕を かくまってよ
君が今にも 離れていきそうな 最近

この国にも 知らないうちに問題だらけ
総理大臣かわりまくり 説明不足のドタバタ劇
でもそうじゃない それを気にしてんじゃない
ねえ君 もうちょっと そばにきておくれよ

本当のことにゃ さからえない
金かけた ハリウッド映画よりもすごい

待ってくれ 話をさせて 今日は僕を 信じておくれ

うおおお むずむずする
何に苦しんでいたのか 今まで?
誰が泣いているの? 僕? 違う 僕じゃない
うわ 行かないでくれえ

本当のことにゃ さからえない
ウムを言わせず まるはだかにされちゃう

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