Japanese-Korean relations

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Japanese-Korean relations

1: Kamosuke yW/s8ibQ:06/05/31 03:17 ID:LOaxnzlg


2: Kamosuke yW/s8ibQ:06/05/31 03:19 ID:LOaxnzlg
Despite these continuing controversial and hurtful issues, Korean pop culture is very popular in Japan.
Dubbed the "[[Korean wave]]", Korean singers, movies, and television dramas are avidly consumed.
The [[Nihon Keizai Shimbun]] attributes the success of Korean wave to the pioneering efforts of [[Winter Sonata]],
which has been avidly consumed by Japanese people especially of women 40 years or older.
A novel based on the drama has sold over 1.2 million copies and over 400,000 copies of DVD compilation has been sold.
However, there has been a backlash; a book published in 2005 was usually translated as
"[[Manga - Hating the Korean Wave|Hate the Korean Wave]]". It sold well enough that a sequel was released.

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