- 1 名前:パクルキ@警察通報! 投稿日:09/12/19 05:48 ID:yw
- 題名の通り(●∀●)!
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名前:パクルキ@警察通報! 09/12/19 11:46
>>1 Mao said, it'll make us 俎. Ainu-Chu are fool enough to fuck the biches all 盥. So many people looks down nomal line 黶 groove. Some of them will be 靨 teller when it happened something. DJ & Fuck are more fucker bich, has poor life & broken hearts.
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名前:パクルキ@警察通報! 10/07/11 23:03
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名前:パクルキ@警察通報! 10/07/22 00:47