Davis has declined a special last meal request and instead will be offered the institution’s meal tray, consisting of macaroni and cheese, pinto beans, green beans, lettuce and tomato salad, corn bread, fruit cobbler, and tea.
10: -:08/09/30 05:48 ID:bc
外国人力士トラブル事件簿 / 小錦舌禍事件 November 1991 and March 1992
ここ数カ月の間に、ヒンズー教団体がマイク・マイヤーズの「ラブ・グル(The Love Guru)」はインド文化を馬鹿にしていると抗議をし、 知的障害者の支援団体は「トロピック・サンダー/史上最低の作戦」の言葉の使い方に異議を唱え、 イスラム系団体は「タオルヘッド」のタイトルが蔑称だとして変更を申し入れた。
49 :文責・名無しさん:2008/07/22(火) 00:19:19 ID:ZYgt6lES0 He says that he came to Japan because of the poor job situation back home, コネルは自国でロクな職業にありつけなくて日本に来たわけだ。(有道と同じ)
KKK calls on members to wear black armbands and fly U.S. flag upside down to protest Obama inauguration
White supremacist groups across America are being closely monitored by law enforcement officials as Barack Obama prepares to be sworn in as U.S. president.
【アメリカ】 白人至上主義者?また、暴行。2009-01-18 Three more alleged white supremacists were behind bars today on $1 million bail in connection with the November beating in Hemet of a Latino who suffered brain damage. http://www.mydesert.com/article/20090102/NEWS0802/90102021魚拓 白人至上主義者と思われる3人組がラティーノを暴行して、不治の脳挫傷までおわせた、というニュース。 よほど、有色人が憎いんでしょうね ---- (アメリカ、ヘイトクライム)
【アメリカ】 白人至上主義者?また、暴行。2009-01-18 Three more alleged white supremacists were behind bars today on $1 million bail in connection with the November beating in Hemet of a Latino who suffered brain damage. http://www.mydesert.com/article/20090102/NEWS0802/90102021魚拓 白人至上主義者と思われる3人組がラティーノを暴行して、不治の脳挫傷までおわせた、というニュース。 よほど、有色人が憎いんでしょうね ---- (アメリカ、ヘイトクライム)
Sunday, January 18, 2009 By JOHN ASBURY -------- The Press-Enterprise ----- Special Section: Inauguration '09
Local police believe five recent attacks on minorities in the San Jacinto Valley may stem from a backlash to the election of Barack Obama as the first black president in U.S. history.
Brockton (WBZ Newsroom/AP) -- Racism allegedly was the motive in the gunshot killings of a man and woman and critical wounding of another woman, authorities said, as a 22-year-old Brockton man was arraigned in the case on Thursday.
35: -:09/01/24 02:44 ID:nw
オバマ当選 → 黒人の教会に放火
Boston Globe, United States - Jan 16, 2009
SPRINGFIELD - Three Springfield men, bitter about the election of the nation's first black president and furious in their belief that minorities would gain more rights, torched the partially built church of a black congregation just hours after Barack Obama's landmark victory, authorities said yesterday.
The men - Benjamin Haskell, Michael F. Jacques Jr., and Thomas Gleason Jr., all of whom are white - poured gasoline inside and outside the mostly completed Macedonia Church of God in Christ in the early morning of Nov. 5., set it afire, and later boasted about destroying it, said authorities.
Man Assaulted In San Jose For Speaking Spanish CBS 5 CrimeWatch ------ SAN JOSE (BCN) ―
A 28-year-old San Jose man was arrested on suspicion of committing a hate crime Monday after allegedly attacking another man because he was speaking Spanish, police Officer Jermaine Thomas said Tuesday.
The suspect, San Jose resident Scott Pontzious, who is white, allegedly told the victim during the assault that he needed to speak English.
38: -:09/01/31 02:33
Seattle police are looking for a man who became so enraged when he heard someone speaking a language other than English that he attacked him and a friend.
The victim tried to walk away, but the pickup driver continued to insult him, at one point reportedly saying, "I'll kill all of you."
39: -:09/01/31 02:34
不法移民と犯罪の報道 'British jobs for British workers'. ”Fuck off we are full" アパルトヘイト またもや「英語しゃべれ!」と暴行 警官がヘイトクライム 人種差別的失言の大臣 失職なし ふぐプランって河豚だったのか。 Empire 増加する反移民団体、移民への襲撃
40: -:09/02/03 07:03
Racism wins in NJ town(CNNビデオ) N.J. Mayor Steps Down Claiming Racism
a) You are a nigger unworthy to govern over any white man
41: -:09/02/03 07:05
急増する KKK メンバー
Significant increase in Klu Klux Klan members after Obama's win
Australian News.Net ------ Friday 30th January, 2009 (ANI)
Melbourne, Jan 30 : Online registrations for the White supremacy group, Klu Klux Klan (KKK), have significantly increased following Barack Obama's presidential win.
KKKのメンバーが著しく増加しおり、FBIもget on top of 手に負えなくなってきている、という。 さらに、ニュージーランドにも手が伸びている、という。
What happened in the classroom is still unclear. But students of Avondale College have told ONE News that David Warren, the Japanese language teacher who was stabbed, is not a popular teacher and has been known to make offensive comments to students. ____________
"The teacher was telling him about how North Koreans are going to 'shoot you and kill you', or something like that, and he got really angry."
What happened in the classroom is still unclear. But students of Avondale College have told ONE News that David Warren, the Japanese language teacher who was stabbed, is not a popular teacher and has been known to make offensive comments to students. ____________
"The teacher was telling him about how North Koreans are going to 'shoot you and kill you', or something like that, and he got really angry."
NY Restaurants Favor White, Male Workers: Report - ABC NewsMar 31, 2009 ... City restaurants hire and promote white men more often than women and nonwhite workers, the study by The Restaurant Opportunities Group said ...
7. East Asians: From wealthy and/or powerful nations (China, Japan, Korea).
Hardworking and intelligent (see the school results for those Chinese children born here). Still, though, they've got a different culture, and a totally alien language.
????????? And even the husband of our Queen doesn't like their eyes. ??????????????