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2/7•Å (62Œ)
4:VcdBKqweuRfc 05/07 05:33 ID:jw
I've just been letting everything wash over me recently, but pfft. Shrug. I feel like a bunch of nothing. Whatever. Basically nothing noteworthy going on right now, but I guess it doesn't bother me.,
5:crykGxnLh 05/07 05:33 ID:2U
I haven't gotten anything done , but it's not important. I can't be bothered with anything these days, but such is life. Maybe tomorrow. I've just been hanging out not getting anything done.,
6:EYEsiVuPpQWVQgXFMC 05/07 05:33 ID:mM
Basically nothing noteworthy happening , but such is life. Pfft. So it goes. I haven't gotten much done lately. What can I say?,
7:bKsVGCefjFMfT 05/07 05:36 ID:mM
I haven't been up to anything , not that it matters. Basically nothing seems important, but I guess it doesn't bother me. Not much on my mind to speak of. Today was a loss, but maybe tomorrow.,
8:njfAdKTylnME 05/07 05:36 ID:2U
I feel like a fog. My life's been really boring today. I haven't been up to much.,
9:taGVzoWvxX 05/07 05:37 ID:gk
I've more or less been doing nothing to speak of. I just don't have much to say these days, not that it matters. Basically not much noteworthy going on worth mentioning. So it goes.,
10:UziqhzMRrsZkgz 06/08 22:01 ID:/c [bnbqPWAsiXCdhaiIvu]
11:TXDWfOTG 06/08 22:02 ID:1k [NHNGcUBPAaTLcmCzAp]
12:nSBfFrgcXvwjzIqdu 06/08 22:02 ID:h6 [iwLGqESLnYQ]
13:vBspuGzzuZWEJ 06/08 22:15 ID:0c [xxnYfhuQwDUIM]
[*]‘O ŽŸ[#]
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