Japanese-Korean relations
- 1 名前:Kamosuke ◆yW/s8ibQ 投稿日:06/05/31 03:17 ID:LOaxnzlg
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese-Korean_relations
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名前:Kamosuke ◆yW/s8ibQ 06/05/31 03:19 ID:LOaxnzlg
Despite these continuing controversial and hurtful issues, Korean pop culture is very popular in Japan.
Dubbed the "[[Korean wave]]", Korean singers, movies, and television dramas are avidly consumed. The [[Nihon Keizai Shimbun]] attributes the success of Korean wave to the pioneering efforts of [[Winter Sonata]], which has been avidly consumed by Japanese people especially of women 40 years or older. A novel based on the drama has sold over 1.2 million copies and over 400,000 copies of DVD compilation has been sold. However, there has been a backlash; a book published in 2005 was usually translated as "[[Manga - Hating the Korean Wave|Hate the Korean Wave]]". It sold well enough that a sequel was released.
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名前:Kamosuke ◆yW/s8ibQ 06/05/31 03:24 ID:LOaxnzlg
Despite these continuing controversial and hurtful issues, Korean pop culture is popular in Japan. Dubbed the "[[Korean wave]]",
Korean singer who can speak Japanese ([[BoA]]), and television dramas are avidly consumed. In 2004, The [[Nihon Keizai Shimbun]] attributes the success of Korean wave to the pioneering efforts of [[Winter Sonata]], which has been avidly consumed by Japanese people especially of women 40 years or older. The audience rating of the drama was 20.6%. A novel based on the drama has sold over 1.2 million copies and over 400,000 copies of DVD compilation has been sold.
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名前:Kamosuke ◆yW/s8ibQ 06/05/31 03:25 ID:LOaxnzlg
Despite these continuing controversial and hurtful issues, Korean pop culture is popular in Japan. Dubbed the "[[Korean wave]]", Korean singer who can speak Japanese ([[BoA]]), and television dramas are avidly consumed. In 2004, The [[Nihon Keizai Shimbun]] attributes the success of Korean wave to the pioneering efforts of [[Winter Sonata]], which has been avidly consumed by Japanese people especially of women 40 years or older. The audience rating of the drama was 20.6%. A novel based on the drama has sold over 1.2 million copies and over 400,000 copies of DVD compilation has been sold.
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名前:Kamosuke ◆yW/s8ibQ 06/05/31 03:27 ID:LOaxnzlg
However, there has been a backlash; a book published in 2005 was usually translated as "[[Manga - Hating the Korean Wave|Hate the Korean Wave]]".
It sold well enough that a sequel was released. Now, The [[Korean wave]] is in the contrary wind. Broadcasting stations other than [[NHK]] completed the withdrawal from the South Korea drama. The box-office record in the South Korea movie doesn't yet catch up with [[Hong Kong]] Movies. The Japanese culture has received the limitation of Ban on Japanese Culture of the South Korea government. [http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/korea/bunka/index.html] A Japanese popular song is prohibited in South Korea. As for the drama, only the drama jointly made with South Korea is open to the public. It was permitted to the Japanese movie to open it to the public in South Korea in 2003. [[Howl's Moving Castle]] made the spectator mobilization of 3,000,000 people succeed in South Korea in 2005.
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名前:plcgqokwh vqtnhu 07/03/05 18:59 ID:???
uqrho jlquzadm ideqroah ostruhq laudpxf npfgu sbrmv
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名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 07/06/07 17:16 ID:???
特典充実、送料50%大幅値下げ、早い者勝ち! 今すぐ無料登録して専用アカウントをつくっちゃおうね♪ http://www.mediafreakcity.com/main.aspx?languageID=2
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名前:アイマス信者 09/04/14 13:44
http://www.pochat.tv/index.asp?acd=4tqk エロ可愛い女の子が沢山います 巨乳爆乳好きはここしかない R18指定満載無料で抜けるのはここ http://from-lady.com/ エッチで可愛い女の子が沢山いるよ
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名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 09/06/18 08:52 ID:Go
MamaxDVD 今週のスペシャル!
http://www.maniaxfilm.com/page/ 【最新!人気の先行予約作品】 スカイエンジェル 88 : 夏川リアナ http://www.maniaxfilm.com/page/detail.php?number=SKY-134 エックスコレクション 1 - X-Collection - : 七瀬ジュリア http://www.maniaxfilm.com/page/detail.php?number=SHX-001 バースト : 愛あいり http://www.maniaxfilm.com/page/detail.php?number=MKD-006 カミカゼ・ガールズ 74 : 七瀬ゆうり http://www.maniaxfilm.com/page/detail.php?number=KG-74
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名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 09/09/05 18:16
・高校時代安西ひろこ似の女&大塚愛似の子と付き合っていたと嘘をつく ・スーパーのシフト交代連絡のためと偽り女性のメアド3つゲット ・MEGUMI似の加藤さんへの片思い→破局 ・人妻川瀬さんとの出会いラブレター渡す→破局 ・女子大生ゆいちゃんとのメールのやり取り(Hメールを送り返信されず) ・スーパーでお釣りを9000円間違える。客を万引き犯と間違えて脅す。女性店員にセクハラ→解雇 ・派遣会社での部長からの洗脳(敬語でしかしゃべれなくなる) ・工場での若槻千夏似の女性との出会い猛アタック→玉砕ショックでミス連発&解雇 ・ライブドアブログを使っているという理由だけで堀江を「うちの社長」発言 ・六本木ナンパ軍団に喧嘩を売るも周りを煽るだけで 本人遁走 ・ジムでバイトを開始しカリスマトレーjナーと言い張る。mixiで職業欄に企業役員と詐称し女を釣る ・ヤクザ(嘘)の友達を使って脅迫をするが反撃で警察に通報され謝罪 ・通報された仕返しに弁護士に裁判の依頼をするが相手にされず ・mixi長身OFFで彼女の写メールを晒すと公言するが本人遁走 ・様々なOFF会に出るも全てで(女がらみの)トラブルを起こし出禁にされる △▼全日本顔面選手権でのディオさんの雄姿△▼ > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoupFd16Yxw#t=5m55s > の5:54あたり参照!!!!!! 【突発格闘】リアルファイトORZ15【顔面電波】 http://schiphol.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/muscle/1203005127/